21 December, 2010

Walking Tips part II

Today, I spent all day in San Francisco.  The weather forecast had predicted a 50% chance of rain with 20-30 mph winds, but it turned out to be quite nice, which was ideal, considering I was out walking the entire time!

Walking really is one of the easiest ways to exercise.  You can make it as exciting and strenuous as you like, and it's even more fun if you invite a friend or two along.

Here are some tips:

1. Whenever possible, walk
Thinking of taking the elevator?  Think again.  As long as it's safe, use the stairs instead.  (And yes, it's OK to run up an escalator too... Just no standing still!).

2. Make the most of it
Instead of snagging the closest parking spot to the store, purposely park farther away and walk.  Think calorie-burning in lieu of convenience!

3. Incorporate walking into your busy schedule
Running around all day?  Usually there is some downtime in between appointments, so use it to walk around the area where you need to be.  Lunch breaks are a perfect time to head outdoors!

4. Pay attention to posture
When your mother recommended you stand up straight, she wasn't kidding.  It's wise advice, with long-term repercussions.  Looking forward instead of down at the ground, straighten your shoulders back; as if there is an invisible line stretching through to your hips, on down to your toes.  This is often called "stacking", which helps maintain proper alignment; whether you're on a flat or elevated surface.

5. Remember to breathe
With your torso upright, and abdominals tucked in, take a slow, deep breath; letting your chest lift and fully expand. Hold for a second or two, and then let the air out completely.  Repeat.
Sometimes, when I'm out with walking partners, I'll be talking while moving along at a rapid pace, which can cause a side cramp.  Both this and shin splints will do you in, so make sure you don't forget to breathe!

Other results from my research:

Prevention Magazine shared an easy way to walk off the pounds, no matter what the weather conditions, while Yahoo! Shine has ideas for getting the most out of your Christmas shopping. 
Also, About.com's Walking columnist listed her favourite Winter walking gear.

What are your ways of making walking a priority?  How does it fit into your life each day?  I'd like to hear your tips!

"Walking is man's best medicine." - Hippocrates

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