25 October, 2010

The many benefits of walking

Walking is a fabulous all-around workout, because it uses your whole body!  It's one of my favourite ways to exercise, since: it can be as light or strenuous as you decide, and you have the choice of going solo or with friends, pets, and portable music (although, I sometimes prefer nothing other than street noise so that I can use it for prayer and thinking/quiet time). :)

"Walking, still one of the easiest, most accessible and least expensive forms of exercise in a world of Aqua Zumba, Kangoo jumps and aerial fitness classes. Most people can do it. If you're physically able, all you need are a good pair of shoes and a safe place to go", says The Washington Post.

 Source: Stock.Xchng (user a2td)

"According to studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and many others, a daily walk can cut your risk of death - from all diseases - in half.

People who walk at a moderate 3-mph pace for at least 3 to 4 hours a week (30 minutes a day) have been shown to dramatically reduce their risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, hip fractures, glaucoma, depression and much more.

a recent Harvard study shows that you can get the same extraordinary health benefits from a moderate walk as you can from high-impact jogging or aerobics." - Excerpt from Bella Online

Today, I managed to track roughly 7 miles (walked with my mum earlier on in the day, and just now, with my younger brother).  A few evenings ago, we found ourselves alternately jogging-running in the rain, but tonight was crisp and clear (and much easier to see, I might add!).

Challenge: Even if you can only get out and enjoy the outdoors for 15 minutes, that's a start.  You will be so glad you did!

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