23 March, 2011

Fitness inspiration: Jessica Biel

Today's inspiration features remarkably toned actress Jessica Biel.  She has long been considered one of the world's fittest celebrities, and it's not hard to see why!

I like to pay attention to any tips her trainer(s) reveals, simply because Jessica always looks über fit, and whatever she is doing seems consistent and totally effective.  (Plus, if she can do them, then we can too!)

Jessica's trainer, Jason Walsh, says that Jess hits the gym "four days a week, for an hour".  What sets her apart from most other women in the industry--in my mind--is that she manages to be thin and muscular; not the unhealthy "skinny-fat" model that is so often pushed in Hollywood.

Jason also notes that he constantly mixes the workouts up (one day might be strength training, another going out for a jog), and has Jessica doing lots of full body movements.  "You are pretty much using as many muscles at once, which in turn will jack that heart rate up."

Let's target 5 angles of Jessica's famous curves, starting with:

1. Get Sexy Legs:
Walking Lunges – "This stretches the larger leg and glute muscles," says Jason.
With feet together, lunge first with right leg. Bring left foot alongside right. Lunge with left.  Do 10 reps per leg.

2. Tighten Your Bum:
• Squat to Press – Begin with back straight and feet shoulder-width apart.  Your arms and wrists should be facing out at shoulder height, with 5-8-lb. dumbbells in hand.  Squat down to form a 90-degree angle at the legs while keeping upper body erect and core engaged.  With form and control, rise out of the squat with some explosion; simultaneously push the dumbbells up and over your shoulders. The move ends by bringing the dumbbells back to your shoulders.  Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

3. Strengthen Your Arms:
• Shoulders/biceps – Stand with knees slightly bent. Hold 3-8-lb. weights in each hand. Curl to chest. Rotate hands, palms face outward. Press overhead together. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

4. Flatten Your Abs:
• Hanging Leg Raises – "Hanging leg raises don't build a six-pack, but they flatten," says Walsh. "Jessica hates them, but she powers through!"
Hang from a high bar or rings with your feet not touching the floor. Then, pull your knees just above the waist, hold for 2 seconds and release. Do these 15 times to complete.

Seated Russian Twist – Sit down and lean back slightly. Hold a 5-lb. dumbbell or medicine ball, and twist from side to side, 15 twists per side, three reps.

5. Tone Your Core:
• Push up – Lie on your stomach with your hands just outside your shoulders, elbows bent to about 45 degrees, and fingers spread; your toes should be tucked under with legs straight and abs pulled in tight. (For less of a challenge, start with your hands on a raised surface, like a tabletop.) Take a deep breath and push yourself up, keeping your body in a straight line—don’t push hips up or let belly drop toward the floor. Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Work your way up to 3 sets of 10 reps.

• Plank – Get into pushup position, but rest on your forearms instead of your hands. Elbows are directly under the shoulders; shoulders in a straight line with ankles. Squeeze your glutes and brace your abs for the prescribed time while breathing deeply.  Hold for 60 seconds.

As to Jessica's diet, she is a huge fan of foods that are not heavily processed.  Complex carbs help to kick-start her morning, while she ends the day by eating lighter meals.

Here is a typical day's menu:

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with handful of berries.
  • Snack: 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1-1 ½ tbsp. of almond butter and sliced bananas on top.
  • Lunch: Salad with 5-6 oz. of chicken, vinaigrette dressing.
  • Snack: A banana, apple or strawberries.
  • Dinner: 6 oz. of fish, plate full of veggies, 1/2 cup of Basmati rice. 
  • Sweets: A couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

    I don't know about you, but this leaves me completely inspired.  'Hope you've enjoyed today's workout!

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