18 July, 2011

Lower back pain relief

About once a year, I have to make a visit to a chiropractor because of lower back (Lumbar & Sacral regions) pain.  Despite proper nutrition and daily physical exercise, this is a common problem for women (hips and lower back). Usually, mine becomes mis-aligned due to an irregular activity such as bowling (which I have been doing once a week with family & friends this Summer), or if I have not doing weekly back exercises (combined with too much sitting at a desk...).

Esther of Yogatic has some nice, easy stretches and exercises that not only stretch out your back muscles and spine, but relieve any pain.  She also has a wonderfully soothing voice and simple-to-follow instructions!

I happened to be at the beach yesterday (not recommended when your back is hurting, even after a chiro adjustment!), and did yoga stretching on the sand.  I DO whole-heartedly recommend the following exercises, which all help to loosen up and strengthen your back: Eagle pose, Tree pose (also, the Palm Tree pose), Locust pose, Cobra pose, Crane pose, Dancer's pose (which can be done on hands & knees, as well) , Warrior III pose ("Balancing Stick"), Triangle pose, and Upward Plank pose.