10 December, 2010

Doubling workout effectiveness

Since many of us don't have two hours to devote to a long workout, it's always great to find some easy routines that double the results in half the time.  Don't worry, this kind of multi-tasking won't leave you dazed and confused!

1. Deadlift
Weights in hand (I prefer 3-5 lbs and many reps instead of increasing the weight), stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart, your toes facing forward.  Lower straight down (almost to the floor), keeping your lower back straight; letting it maintain its natural arch.  Your arms should be parallel to your legs at this point.  Slowly reverse the motion, and raise yourself back up; not quite to standing. Repeat, doing 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

2. Tricep Deadlift
Weights in hand, stand with your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart, your toes facing forward.  Lower straight down (almost to the floor), keeping your lower back straight; letting it maintain its natural arch.  Your arms should be parallel to your legs at this point.  Pull your arms back, so that your triceps are brought in towards your chest, and hold for 1 count.  Slowly reverse the motion, and raise yourself back up; not quite to standing. Repeat, doing 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

3. Dumbbell Squat and Shoulder Press
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding your weights at shoulder-level with palms facing forward, wrists straight.  Squat down (making sure your knees don't extend over your toes), bending your knees at about 90 .  Keep your abs pulled in, and let your body weight sink into your heels, rather than your toes.  Push back up, using your heels, and extend both arms above your head.  Hold for 1 count, and repeat with 2-3 more sets of 12-15 reps.  If you want to vary this move, raise your arms while you're squatting.

4. Seated Tricep Dip
For this exercise, you'll need a chair, low table, or a sturdy furniture piece of your choice to lean on.  Sitting on the edge (facing away from the chair), extend one of your legs out in front of you.  Using your arms for support, lower your body off the hard surface and towards the floor.  Repeat, doing 2-3 more sets of 12-15 reps, alternating legs every set.

5. Reverse Lunge with Biceps Curl
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding your weights at shoulder-level with palms facing forward, wrists straight.  Lunge your right foot behind you, bending your knee towards the ground.  Your (opposite) left knee should be aligned with your ankle, but make sure it does not extend over your toes.
As you are in lunge position, curl your weights in towards your shoulders, with your elbows pressed into your sides.  Hold for 1 count, then lower your arms and lift out of the lunge.  Repeat, doing 2-3 more sets of 12-15 reps, alternating legs each time you lunge.

And a couple of extras:

Fitness Magazine's Daily Giveaway (today's features a Kettelbell; am I the only one with this on my wishlist?)

The high price of fashion: Kella Ripa won't forgo her high heels, even with crutches!  "Ripa downplayed the injury and began jibbing co-host Regis Philbin about trying to upstage her with the box-cutter injury he sustained on his hand this past weekend."  (Those two make me laugh!)

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