15 November, 2010

Start small, dream large

Do you set personal goals for yourself? Say, for today, a week out, one month away, up to a year, or even more?

I recently had a discussion on goal-making with a friend. We talked about what drives us, how we stay inspired, and what sets us back; also covering the importance of promise-keeping, accountability, and obligations. The conversation has been on my mind ever since, and I have this friend to thank for giving me some new ideas and a fresh commitment to all of the answers I gave to her questions.

When you create goals, it's important to keep them realistic and thereby attainable. Reaching for the skies but knowing you'll never really get there only sets you up for disappointment. Start small, dream large (and believe that you can make those dreams become reality). The more things you check off your to-do list, the more your goals will increase and your confidence will build!

Every little action you take to change and improve is a good sign.  Don't get discourage by the small things, because they are all vital parts of the bigger picture!

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