02 January, 2013

Happy New Year!

A new year brings new thoughts, new dreams, and renewed energy.  I was encouraged ringing in this new year, mainly due to seeing goals I had set for myself become accomplishments over the past year.  Not necessarily "New Years Resolutions" (because those are well-intentioned, but too often tend to fail), but simply personal objectives to work towards, be proud of once (if) they're achieved; fueling future efforts.

One of those aspirations was to get back to to point of being able to do a full split.  I began in the first week of January 2012, and reached that full potential (with a lot of patience and effort) in mid Summer of 2012.  Some might say that's purely a "little thing", but it is an act such as doing a full split that will bring you a lot of satisfaction, knowing that you got there because of hard work, sweat, and maybe even some tears.

I love hearing stories of peoples' roads to weight loss and becoming fit and healthy.  It's inspiring to know that you are not the only one, and that it sure can be done!  The best part is that you can make changes at any time, and reap the rewards of a lifelong commitment to taking care of your body.

In case you are feeling really sluggish and bloated from all of the recent holiday celebrations, here is a perfect little yoga detox to stretch out your limbs and loosen any tight spots.

Here's to a healthier, happier 2013!